Zûmbara-weg 10      6700-Jareucâ       (053) 2017557
Informaša | Information

Quistarfinniy fes ef fiyrk-wós rifo Opper Brÿr Lÿnts!   Foole-gôrse ér mip ef pirzof antrôns: Welcome to the website of Opper Brÿr Lÿnts!   Choose one of the following subjects:

Fâgôtexa | Connection  Lassos  »  Girdesef
Fâgôtexa | Connection  Girdesef  »  Lassos
OBL-lÿnt-kinner | OBL Railway map
OBL-tareffs | OBL fares
OBL-pirâmer | OBL history
Entraferos | Tourism